Results for 'Fabio Bacchini Massimo Dell'Utri'

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  1.  27
    New Advances in Causation, Agency, and Moral Responsibility.Fabio Bacchini Massimo Dell'Utri & Stefano Caputo (eds.) - 2014 - Cambridge Scholars Press.
    This volume brings together a number of previously unpublished essays that will advance the reader's philosophical understanding of specific aspects of causation, agency and moral responsibility. These are deeply intertwined notions, and a large proportion of the volume is taken up by papers that shed light on their mutual connections or defend certain claims concerning them. The volume investigates several important questions, including: Can causation be perceived? If it can, can it be perceived in any way other than visually? Can (...)
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    New Frontiers in Truth.Fabio Bacchini, Stefano Caputo & Massimo Dell'Utri (eds.) - 2014 - Cambridge Scholar.
    Although philosophers have been concerned with truth since at least the age of Plato, the last thirty years have witnessed a veritable explosion of the philosophical debate on this topic. The touchpaper which lit the fuse for this was undoubtedly the Deflationist Renaissance (half a century after the seminal work of F.P. Ramsey) due, in the Seventies, both to the Quinean disquotational interpretation of the Tarskian truth definitions and to the development of the prosentential theory of truth by D. Grover, (...)
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  3. Realism and Ontology without Myths.Massimo Dell’Utri, Fabio Bacchini & Stefano Caputo (eds.) - 2014 - Cambridge Scholars Press.
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  4. Significato e verità : due norme prive di essenza.Massimo Dell'Utri - 1994 - In Marcello Ostinelli & Virginio Pedroni (eds.), Il realismo pragmatico di Hilary Putnam: saggi critici. Napoli: Liguori.
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    Putnam.Massimo Dell'Utri - 2020 - Roma: Carocci editore.
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    Introduction.Massimo Dell'Utri - 2008 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 4 (2):5-9.
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  7. Olismo.Massimo Dell'Utri (ed.) - 2002
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    Why Post-Truth Cannot Be Our Epistemological Compass.Massimo Dell’Utri - 2023 - Social Epistemology 37 (2):164-176.
    This paper tackles some of the arguments Steve Fuller – arguably the best advocate of post-truth currently on the scene – put forward to show that, correctly understood, post-truth is the best conceptual tool to get a clear picture not only of what is happening in our societies today, but also of what has happened throughout the secular history of Western culture. The implicit assumption is that post-truth represents a reliable ‘epistemological compass’ – that is, a notion (or a set (...)
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  9. Relativismo: un dibattito.Massimo Dell’Utri, Alberto Artosi, Sebastiano Moruzzi, Fabrizio Trifirò & Girolamo De Michele - 2007 - Discipline Filosofiche 17 (2).
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    Introduction: Ten Trips Around the Conceptual Galaxy of Otherness.Massimo Dell’Utri & Stefano Caputo - 2014 - Rivista di Estetica 56:3-19.
    In introducing the present issue, we make clear that the concept of the other is susceptible to so multifarious declinations that it actually forms a conceptual galaxy. It is precisely this galaxy that the ten essays in the issue aim to shed light on. We then account for the basic ideas of each essay, and we stress the remarkable fact that they help to clarify how the concept of the other represents a useful means to undermine the purported divide between (...)
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    The Realist Wager: Challenging Rorty on His Home Ground.Massimo Dell’Utri - 2019 - Philosophia 47 (5):1431-1446.
    The paper is devoted to Richard Rorty’s thought, with the aim of exploiting a certain contention of his and directing it, as it were, against Rorty himself. Here is the contention: he thinks that – when it comes to metaphysical questions such as realism and anti-realism – the only kind of argument a pragmatist has at her disposal is rhetorical. Following the lines of the well-known wager Blaise Pascal laid on the belief in the existence of God, I will try (...)
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  12. Choosing Conceptions of Realism: The Case of the Brains in a Vat.Massimo Dell’Utri - 1990 - Mind 99 (393):79--90.
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    Hilary Putnam's philosophical naturalism: making philosophy matter for life.Massimo Dell'Utri - 2024 - Lanham: The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group.
    Hilary Putnam's Philosophical Naturalism: Making Philosophy Matter for Life offers a faithful illustration of the trajectory of Putnam's thought to show how, despite the shifts in opinion on issues of central philosophical importance, his thought reveals a systematic backbone and strong continuities.
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    Plain alethic pluralism: the human face of truth.Massimo Dell’Utri - 2024 - Synthese 204 (2):1-20.
    Within the secular and still ongoing discussion about truth, what is by now known as _alethic pluralism_ has proved to be one of the most interesting proposals advanced in the field. Indeed, from the last decade of the last century onwards, the field of theories about truth has been enriched with the idea that truth is not only one but also many—many alethically potent properties that differently characterise different domains of discourse. Moreover, thirty or so years of discussions have also (...)
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    Alethic Deflationism and Normativity: A Critique.Massimo Dell'Utri - 2018 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 63 (1):292-303.
    The paper starts by highlighting that virtually nobody would object to claims such as “to regard an assertion or a belief or a thought as true or false is to regard it as being right or wrong”—a claim that shows that truth is intrinsically normative. It is well known that alethic deflationists deny this. Paul Horwich, for instance, maintains that nothing shows that TRUTH is a normative concept in the way that OUGHT is. By relying on a distinction among dimensions (...)
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    Hilary Putman: I suoi scritti.Massimo Dell'Utri - 1987 - Idee 5:201-217.
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    Il realismo di Hilary Putman.Massimo Dell'Utri - 1986 - Idee 2:163-180.
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    Il realismo di Karl R. Popper.Massimo Dell'Utri - 1991 - Idee 16:71-93.
  19.  29
    “Metaphysics Without Ethics is Blind”: The Legacy of Hilary Putnam.Massimo Dell’Utri - 2017 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 48 (4):501-515.
    Two convictions underlie the following article. The first is that Hilary Putnam has been one of the greatest thinkers of our time, a philosopher who was able to propose groundbreaking ideas in virtually every area of philosophy. As the reader will see, the topics he tackled in his writings included questions of philosophy of science, philosophy of language, philosophy of mathematics and logic, philosophy of mind, metaethics, the fact-value dichotomy, the interpretation of Wittgenstein’s later thought, the question of relativism, the (...)
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    Pietro Salis, Pratiche discorsive razionali: Studi sull’inferenzialismo di Robert Brandom.Massimo Dell’Utri - 2019 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 11 (1).
    As the subtitle reveals, this is a book devoted to one of the most distinguished philosophers of our time, Robert Brandom, a thinker whose importance for the debate on topics such as meaning, truth, rationality, objectivity, agreement, holism, compositionality – to name just a few of them – is hardly deniable. Thousands among articles and books have been dedicated in the last two decades to the evaluation of Brandom’s thought, but still considerably few are the works in the Italian panorama (...)
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    Wittgenstein: The Pervasiveness of Persuasion.Massimo Dell'Utri - 2015 - Philosophical Investigations 39 (2):99-99.
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    The Threat of Cultural Relativism: Hilary Putnam and the Antidote of Falibilism.Massimo Dell'Utri - 2008 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 4 (2):75-86.
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  23. Philosophy in an Age of Science: A Conference in Honor of Hilary Putnam’s 85th Birthday; Harvard University - Brandeis University – 31 maggio-3 giugno 2011. [REVIEW]Massimo Dell’Utri - 2011 - Philosophical News 3.
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  24. Reply to Massimo Dell'Utri.Massimo Dell - forthcoming - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy Udk 101 Issn 1845-8475.
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  25. Normativity, Facts, and Values.Rosaria Egidi, Mario De Caro & Massimo Dell'Utri (eds.) - 2003 - Quodlibet.
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    La religione come tecnica difensiva dell'identità soggettiva.Sergio Fabio Berardini & Massimo Marraffa - 2016 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 7 (3):365-377.
    Riassunto: In una prospettiva naturalistica, lo studio della religione presenta subito un punto problematico: se essa è così diffusa, tanto da apparire un tratto inscritto nella natura umana, ciò significa che la religione comporta dei vantaggi adattivi o, quantomeno, significa che essa non comporta svantaggi tali da ostacolare la sopravvivenza di chi la pratica. Nel primo caso, si tratta di individuare la possibile funzione della religione, ovvero una qualche utilità che ne giustificherebbe il suo permanere nella storia umana. Alla luce (...)
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  27. Massimo Dell'Utri, Putnam, Carocci 2020. [REVIEW]Pietro Salis - 2021 - Aphex 23.
    The recent book 'Putnam' by Massimo Dell’Utri concerns the philosophical and argumentative journey of Hilary Putnam, that led him to explore the implications of Quine’s views about analyticity and the many ways in which realism can be understood in epistemology, philosophy of science, philosophy of mathematics, its main entailments for the philosophy of mind, and more recently about issues concerning ethics, meta-ethics, and value-theory. The present critical review briefly recollects the reading presented in the book, and then highlights some (...)
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  28. In questo scenario: Cifre, icone e macchine.Vittorio Marchis, Umberto Bottazzini, Fabio Toscano, Massimo Negrotti & Giuseppe Longo - 2010 - Nuova Civiltà Delle Macchine 28 (1).
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    Reply to Massimo Dell'utri.Hilary Putnam - 2008 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 4 (2):87-91.
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    L'asso pigliatutto: il caso dell'utilitarismo libertario.Fabio Massimo Nicosia - 2020 - Genova: De Ferrari.
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  31. If I am a brain in a vat, then I am not a brain in a vat.Anthony Brueckner - 1992 - Mind 101 (401):123-128.
    Massimo Dell'Utri (1990) provides a reconstruction of Hilary Putnam's argument (1981, chapter 1) to show that the hypothesis that we are brains in a vat is self-refuting. I will explain why the argument Dell'Utri offers us is, on the face of it, quite problematic. Then I will provide a way out of the difficulty.
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  32. Realismo e dinamica delle teorie empiriche.M. Dell'Utri - 1990 - Rivista di Filosofia 81 (3):371-398.
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    The Epistemological Compass and the (Post)Truth about Objectivity.Steve Fuller - 2023 - Social Epistemology 37 (2):242-247.
    ABSTRACT Massimo Dell’Utri proposes the idea of an ‘epistemological compass’, which he alleges provides a common intuitive sense of objectivity, the existence of which defenders of ‘post-truth’ positions would perversely try to deny. I argue that Dell’Utri’s choice of a compass – metaphorical or otherwise – is unfortunate because it is a device that presupposes that what appears plain to the senses is directed by hidden forces emanating from distant sources, such as the stars. More generally, the post-truth condition (...)
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    On the axiomatization of finitek-frames.Fabio Bellissima & Massimo Mirolli - 1983 - Studia Logica 42 (4):383 - 388.
    We find a short way to construct a formula which axiomatizes a given finite frame of the modal logicK, in the sense that for each finite frameA, we construct a formula A which holds in those and only those frames in which every formula true inA holds.To obtain this result we find, for each finite model and each natural numbern, a formula which holds in those and only those models in which every formula true in , and involving the firstn (...)
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    A general treatment of equivalent modalities.Fabio Bellissima & Massimo Mirolli - 1989 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 54 (4):1460-1471.
  36. The Fake, the Flimsy, and the Fallacious: Demarcating Arguments in Real Life.Maarten Boudry, Fabio Paglieri & Massimo Pigliucci - 2015 - Argumentation 29 (4):10.1007/s10503-015-9359-1.
    Philosophers of science have given up on the quest for a silver bullet to put an end to all pseudoscience, as such a neat formal criterion to separate good science from its contenders has proven elusive. In the literature on critical thinking and in some philosophical quarters, however, this search for silver bullets lives on in the taxonomies of fallacies. The attractive idea is to have a handy list of abstract definitions or argumentation schemes, on the basis of which one (...)
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    Talis pater, talis filius: the role of discursive strategies, thematic narratives and ideology in Cosa Nostra.Fabio Indìo Massimo Poppi, Giovanni A. Travaglino & Salvatore Di Piazza - 2018 - Critical Discourse Studies 15 (5):540-560.
    ABSTRACTThe discursive analysis of criminal organizations’ family dynamics and ideological devices may provide important insights into the inner functioning of these groups. In this article, we describe and analyze a specific set of discursive strategies and the thematic narratives emerging from a TV interview with Giuseppe Riina, a member of Cosa Nostra and the son of one of the most important mafia bosses. Our analyses demonstrate the existence of recurring ideological devices such as reductionism, amoralism, familism, verticalism, normalism, victimism and (...)
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  38. Normatività Fatti, Valori.R. Egidi, M. Dell'Utri & M. De Caro (eds.) - 2003 - Macerata: Analisi Filosofiche Quodlibet.
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    David Schmeidler’s contributions to decision theory.Edi Karni, Fabio Maccheroni & Massimo Marinacci - 2022 - Theory and Decision 93 (2):219-235.
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    On the cardinal utility equivalence of biseparable preferences.Fabio Maccheroni, Massimo Marinacci & Jingni Yang - 2022 - Theory and Decision 92 (3-4):689-701.
    We establish a simple condition, based on the willingness to bet on events, under which two biseparable preferences have cardinally equivalent utilities.
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    Recenti studi intorno alla razionalità.Pietro Salis - 2018 - Paradigmi. Rivista di Critica Filosofica 36 (3):547-560.
    The recent publication of the books La razionalità, by Paolo Labinaz, and I modi della razionalità, edited by Massimo Dell’Utri and Antonio Rainone, offers the opportunity to provide an overview of some important discussions on rationality. In particular, I highlight how the modern and Cartesian ideal of this notion is undergoing a transformation that is enhanced by results coming from empirical studies in the field of cognitive science. These transformations are visible in many ambits concerning rationality: this discussion privileges (...)
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  42. Prassi, cultura, realtà. Saggi in onore di Pier Luigi Lecis.Vinicio Busacchi, Pietro Salis & Simonluca Pinna (eds.) - 2020 - Milano-Udine: Mimesis Edizioni.
    A collection of essays dedicated to Pier Luigi Lecis' retirement. Contributors include: Mariano Bianca, Silvana Borutti, Vinicio Busacchi, Massimo Dell'Utri, Rosaria Egidi, Roberta Lanfredini, Giuseppe Lorini, Diego Marconi, Francesco Orilia, Paolo Parrini, Alberto Peruzzi, Simonluca Pinna, Pietro Salis, Paolo Spinicci.
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  43. Race, again: how face recognition technology reinforces racial discrimination.Fabio Bacchini & Ludovica Lorusso - 2019 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 17 (3):321-335.
    Purpose This study aims to explore whether face recognition technology – as it is intensely used by state and local police departments and law enforcement agencies – is racism free or, on the contrary, is affected by racial biases and/or racist prejudices, thus reinforcing overall racial discrimination. Design/methodology/approach The study investigates the causal pathways through which face recognition technology may reinforce the racial disproportion in enforcement; it also inquires whether it further discriminates black people by making them experience more racial (...)
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  44.  19
    Culinary Works Come in Three Ontological Flavours.Fabio Bacchini - 2020 - Humana Mente 13 (38).
    When investigating the nature of culinary works, it is easy to take for granted that they all share the same ontology. This paper argues that, on the contrary, the ontology of culinary works is really threefold. Some culinary works are edible concrete particulars, or dishes, as many of us may first assume. But others are types, or multiply realisable abstract entities. And, while some of these types are determined by one recipe, others are rather chased after by their indefinitely many (...)
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  45.  25
    The Ethics of Imitation in Meat Alternatives.Fabio Bacchini & Elena Bossini - 2023 - Food Ethics 8 (2):1-21.
    The consumption of traditional meat is currently being challenged by the rise of meat alternatives claimed to be more beneficial for the environment and non-human animals. One of the peculiarities of these products lies in their attempt to replace meat through the close imitation of its sensory qualities, which poses relevant philosophical questions: What are the purported reasons that motivate this imitation, instead of the promotion of different but sustainable foods that break with the imagery of meat eating? And, if (...)
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  46. Distinguishing research from non-research.Fabio Bacchini - 2008 - Episteme (Porto Alegre) 27.
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  47. Guest Editor’s Preface.Fabio Bacchini - 2013 - Etica E Politica 15 (1):197-199.
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  48. Can a City Be Relocated? Exploring the Metaphysics of Context- Dependency.Fabio Bacchini & Nicola Piras - forthcoming - Argumenta.
    This paper explores the Persistence Question about cities, that is, what is necessary and sufficient for two cities existing at different times to be numerically identical. We first show that we can possibly put an end to the existence of a city in a number of ways other than by physically destroying it, which reveals the metaphysics of cities to be partly different from that of ordinary objects. Then we focus in particular on the commonly perceived vulnerability of cities to (...)
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    Is Nanotechnology Giving Rise to New Ethical Problems?Fabio Bacchini - 2013 - NanoEthics 7 (2):107-119.
    In this paper I focus on the question of whether nanotechnology is giving rise to new ethical problems rather than merely to new instances of old ethical problems. Firstly, I demonstrate how important it is to make a general distinction between new ethical problems and new instances of old problems. Secondly, I propose one possible way of interpreting the distinction and offer a definition of a “new ethical problem”. Thirdly, I examine whether there is good reason to claim that nanotechnology (...)
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    A tattoo is not a face. Ethical aspects of tattoo-based biometrics.Fabio Bacchini & Ludovica Lorusso - 2018 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 16 (2):110-122.
    PurposeThis study aims to explore the ethical and social issues of tattoo recognition technology and tattoo similarity detection technology, which are expected to be increasingly used by state and local police departments and law enforcement agencies.Design/methodology/approachThe paper investigates the new ethical concerns raised by tattoo-based biometrics on a comparative basis with face-recognition biometrics.FindingsTRT raises much more ethically sensitive issues than face recognition, because tattoos are meaningful biometric traits, and tattoo identification is tantamount to the identification of many more personal features (...)
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